Spencer Todd Bennington
Service and Activism

Thank you for reading more about the efforts of the Rhetorical Roundhouse Network, a nonprofit organization dedicated to reducing violence by spreading critically reflexive martial arts training. This page is still under construction but I've included any relevant blog posts as well as my Good Black Friday YouTube series to help showcase some of the ways the RRN plans to help build stronger, safer communtiies through martial arts. Check back soon for information on the Rhetorical Roundhouse Network Scholarship program and more exciting updates for 2021!
Ongoing Community Outreach Projects
Good Black Friday!
This series started as a way to spotlight local businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially black and minority owned businesses that are disproportionately affected by economic crisis. I'm currently working to improve this series in a number of ways so if you have any businesses you'd like me to feature, simply email rhetoricalroundhouse@gmail.com. Be sure to like, share, and subscribe to the YouTube channel!