Welcome back to the Rhetorical Roundhouse blog! Sorry for missing a post last week--summer side jobs can take a heck of a toll on regularly scheduled work fun. That said, I hope you've had a chance to check out the most recent addition to the Tiny Tiger Lecture series as well as some of the conference reports from the most recent Martial Arts Studies Conference in Orange, CA. Ben Judkins has a report on Kung Fu Tea as does Daniel Jacquet on his blog.
I think because of the timing of it all, I've missed the boat on doing my own in depth report. Instead, I think I'll periodically do a sort of shout out for some of the many wonderful scholars I met and do my best to spread their work through this platform.
Today, however, I just want to throw some photos at you. I've got a few here that show my trip to Orange, then Sacramento, and Yosemite. For a boat load more conference photos, definitely check out the Martial Arts Studies Facebook page.

I hope you enjoyed my dinky little photo tour. I sure enjoyed each moment reflected therein.
Tune in next time for more fun! As always, thanks for reading.