Exciting news! I just received word this morning that the new issue of The Martial Arts Studies Journal has been released and my book review of Udo Moenig's Taekwondo: From a Martial Art to a Martial Sport is included!
This is an exciting moment for me for a number a reasons. First, I'm still a novice researcher in my field of Rhetoric and Composition as well as Martial Arts Studies. To be honored by having my work featured alongside so many other exciting scholars is an amazing feeling and source of motivations.
Secondly, I love Moenig's scholarship and am extremely indebted to him for it. This synthesis of Taekwondo history and analysis of the sport's transformation is invaluable to anyone who cares about the martial art. If you are a practitioner, instructor, or master, I highly encourage you to get your hands on a copy.
Third, and finally, I respect the Martial Arts Studies community and am happy to be welcomed into it. I can't wait to put some faces to the names I've been reading at the upcoming conference in May. I hope to provide some updates here soon with regard to the presentation I'll be giving. Spoiler alert: I cite Moenig.
If you'd like to read my full review, check out the latest issue of the Martial Arts Studies Journal by clicking here.
Thank you all for supporting me and this wonderful scholarly community. Thank you to the editorial review board for agreeing to publish my work.